LM Pool
Test ID | Test Scenario | Function | Details | Transaction Hash |
TC_1 | Initialize the contract by adding the details | initialize | This will get initialized by getting Astra pool id, dev's address, amount to initialize per block, start block, and ending block | |
TC_2 | Initialize the contract even after the contract initialization | initialize | This will get reverted because the contract we are trying to initialize is already initialized | |
TC_3 | Adding the pool to distribute the reward tokens | add | This will get added by adding the allocation points, the token address to give users as reward and a bool to update everything with this call | |
TC_4 | Adding the pool which is already added | add | This will get reverted because the pool we are trying to add is already created | |
TC_5 | Adding the pool when caller is not owner | add | This will add the pool on contract if the condition is favorable | |
TC_6 | Adding the vault so that the user can deposit money in the specified vault | addVoult | This will get added by adding the vault month number | |
TC_7 | Adding the vault when the caller is not the owner | addVoult | This will not get added because the caller is not the owner | |
TC_8 | Setting chef contract address by an invalid owner | setChefAddress | This will get reverted because caller is not an owner. | |
TC_9 | Setting chef contract address by a valid owner | setChefAddress | This will set the address as a Chef address. | |
TC_10 | Setting timelock contract address by an invalid owner | setTimeLockAddress | This will get reverted because caller is not an owner. | |
TC_11 | Setting timelock contract address by a valid owner | setTimeLockAddress | This will set the address as time lock address | |
TC_12 | Depositing the amount if the specified vault is not available | deposit | This will get an error because chosen vault is wrong. | |
TC_13 | Depositing the amount with insufficient balance | deposit | This will get an error for Insufficient balance | |
TC_14 | Depositing the amount if entered pool id doesn't exist | deposit | This will not get added because the pool id doesn't exist | |
TC_15 | Depositing amont | deposit | This will deposit the amount in pool | |
TC_16 | Distributing Reward (Individual, Flat, TVL) | distributeReward | This will get reverted because caller in not an owner | |
TC_17 | Distributing Reward (Individual, Flat, TVL) with invalid pool id | distributeReward | This will get reverted because pool id is invalid | |
TC_18 | Distributing Individual Reward | distributeReward | This will distribute the reward to a individual pool | |
TC_19 | Distributing Flat Reward | distributeReward | This will distribute the reward to the all pool | |
TC_20 | Distributing TVL adjusted reward | distributeReward | This will distribute the reward to the all pool | |
TC_21 | Claiming Reward by staking ASTRADAO reward in ASTRADAO pool | withdrawASTRReward | this will stake the ASTRADAO reward into astra pool. | |
TC_22 | Claiming Reward by withdrawing the ASTRADAO to user account | withdrawASTRReward | This will withdraw the Astra reward and send the amount to user account | |
TC_23 | Claiming Reward with invalid pool id | withdrawASTRReward | This will withdraw the Astra reward and send the amount to user account | |
TC_24 | Claiming Reward when lm pool contract does not have the sufficient ASTRADAO | withdrawASTRReward | This will withdraw the Astra reward and send the amount to user account | |
TC_25 | Claiming Reward when lm pool contract address is set on chef contract | withdrawASTRReward | This will claim the Astra reward by staking it to Astra pool | |
TC_26 | Update block reward by user with invalid pool id | updateBlockReward | This function will update the total reward as per block reward | |
TC_27 | Update block reward by user with valid pool id | updateBlockReward | This function will update the total reward as per block reward | |
TC_28 | Initiate withdrawal with invalid pool id | withdraw | This function start the cooldown period | |
TC_29 | Initiate withdrawal when the eligible amount is zero | withdraw | This function start the cooldown period | |
TC_30 | Initiate withdrawal without staking the ASTRA rewards | withdraw | This function start the cooldown period | |
TC_31 | Withdrawal with cooldown period without staking the ASTRA rewards | withdraw | This function withdraws the amount after cooldown period | |
TC_32 | Withdrawal after cooldown period without staking the ASTRA rewards | withdraw | This function withdraws the amount after cooldown period | |
TC_33 | Pool Information after adding pool for lp token | poolInfo | This function fetches the information of pool | |
TC_34 | After setting the Chef address | chefaddr | This will fetch chef address | |
TC_35 | After setting the timelock address | timelock | This will fetch timelock address | |
TC_36 | Amount after staking lp token in pool | userInfo | It will fetch the user info saved on the contract | |
TC_37 | Total reward before reward distribution | userInfo | It will fetch the user info saved on the contract | |
Before individual reward distribution | ||||
TC_38 | After Flat distribution | userInfo | It will fetch the user info saved on the contract | |
TC_39 | After TVL adjusted distribution | userInfo | It will fetch the user info saved on the contract | |
TC_40 | After claiming reward by staking it on astra pool | userInfo | It will fetch the user info saved on the contract | |
Before | ||||
TC_41 | After updating the block reward | userInfo | It will fetch the user info saved on the contract | |
Before | ||||
TC_42 | After withdrawing the staked amount and astra rewards | userInfo | It will fetch the user info saved on the contract | |
Before |
Last updated