

The LaunchpadFactory contract facilitates the creation and management of launchpad requests. This contract allows users to request a launchpad for their token sale, which can then be approved or canceled by the owner of the contract. The factory also handles the creation of launchpads and manages the vesting contracts for the tokens.


  • SafeERC20Upgradeable from OpenZeppelin: Provides safe operations for ERC20 tokens.

  • Initializable from OpenZeppelin: Allows the contract to be initialized.

  • OwnableUpgradeable from OpenZeppelin: Provides basic access control mechanism.

  • ILaunchpadFactory: Interface for the factory contract.

  • ILaunchpadConfiguration: Interface for launchpad configuration.

  • IAstraDAOWhitelist: Interface for whitelist checking.

  • Launchpad: The actual launchpad contract to be created and managed.

Contract Variables

  • requestCount: (uint) The total number of launchpad requests made.

  • requests: (mapping(uint => LaunchpadRequest)) Mapping of request IDs to their corresponding launchpad requests.

  • launchpads: (address[]) Array of launchpad addresses created.

  • config: (address) Address of the configuration contract.

  • tokenToLaunchpad: (mapping(address => address)) Mapping from token addresses to their corresponding launchpad addresses.

  • approvedLaunchpads: (mapping(address => uint256)) Mapping from launchpad addresses to their corresponding request IDs.

Error Codes

  • E01: Blacklisted user.

  • E02: Launchpad request already approved.

  • E03: Launchpad request already canceled.

  • E04: Invalid base token for launchpad sale.


  • LaunchpadRequestCreated(uint requestId, address admin, address tokenAddress): Emitted when a new launchpad request is created.

  • LaunchpadRequestApproved(uint requestId, address launchpadAddress): Emitted when a launchpad request is approved.

  • LaunchpadRequestCanceled(uint requestId): Emitted when a launchpad request is canceled.



function initialize(address _config) public initializer

Initializes the contract with the given configuration address. Sets the owner of the contract to the deployer.

  • _config: Address of the configuration contract.


function requestLaunchpad(
    address _tokenAddress,
    uint256 _saleStartTime,
    uint256 _saleEndTime,
    uint256 _tokenPrice,
    address _baseToken,
    uint256 _tokenAmount,
    uint256 _baseAmount,
    uint256 _minAmount,
    bool _isVestingEnabled
) public

Allows users to request the creation of a launchpad for their token sale.

  • _tokenAddress: Address of the token to be sold.

  • _saleStartTime: Start time of the token sale.

  • _saleEndTime: End time of the token sale.

  • _tokenPrice: Price of the token.

  • _baseToken: Address of the base token (e.g., stablecoin).

  • _tokenAmount: Amount of tokens to be sold.

  • _baseAmount: Amount of base tokens to be raised.

  • _minAmount: Minimum amount of tokens to be sold.

  • _isVestingEnabled: Boolean indicating if vesting is enabled.


function approveLaunchpadRequest(uint256 requestId) external onlyOwner

Allows the owner to approve a launchpad request. Creates a new launchpad and transfers the necessary tokens.

  • requestId: ID of the request to be approved.


function cancelLaunchpadRequest(uint256 requestId) external onlyOwner

Allows the owner to cancel a launchpad request.

  • requestId: ID of the request to be canceled.


function _createLaunchpad(
    address _admin,
    address _tokenAddress,
    uint256 _saleStartTime,
    uint256 _saleEndTime,
    uint256 _tokenPrice,
    address _baseToken,
    uint256 tokenAmount,
    uint256 _baseAmount,
    uint256 _minAmount,
    bool _isVestingEnabled
) private returns (address)

Creates a new launchpad and initializes it with the given parameters. Transfers the necessary tokens to the new launchpad.

  • _admin: Address of the launchpad admin.

  • _tokenAddress: Address of the token to be sold.

  • _saleStartTime: Start time of the token sale.

  • _saleEndTime: End time of the token sale.

  • _tokenPrice: Price of the token.

  • _baseToken: Address of the base token (e.g., stablecoin).

  • tokenAmount: Amount of tokens to be sold.

  • _baseAmount: Amount of base tokens to be raised.

  • _minAmount: Minimum amount of tokens to be sold.

  • _isVestingEnabled: Boolean indicating if vesting is enabled.


function isWhitelisted(address user) public view returns (bool)

Checks if a user is whitelisted.

  • user: Address of the user to check.


function getLaunchpadDetails(address _launchpadAddress) external view returns (LaunchpadRequest memory)

Returns the details of a launchpad given its address.

  • _launchpadAddress: Address of the launchpad.


function setVestingContract(address _launchpadAddress, address _vestingContract) external onlyOwner

Sets the vesting contract for a specific launchpad.

  • _launchpadAddress: Address of the launchpad.

  • _vestingContract: Address of the vesting contract.


function addLaunchpad(
    address _admin,
    address _tokenAddress,
    uint256 _saleStartTime,
    uint256 _saleEndTime,
    uint256 _tokenPrice,
    address _baseToken,
    uint256 _tokenAmount,
    uint256 _baseAmount,
    uint256 _minAmount,
    bool _isVestingEnabled
) public onlyOwner

Allows the owner to directly add a new launchpad without a request.

  • _admin: Address of the launchpad admin.

  • _tokenAddress: Address of the token to be sold.

  • _saleStartTime: Start time of the token sale.

  • _saleEndTime: End time of the token sale.

  • _tokenPrice: Price of the token.

  • _baseToken: Address of the base token (e.g., stablecoin).

  • _tokenAmount: Amount of tokens to be sold.

  • _baseAmount: Amount of base tokens to be raised.

  • _minAmount: Minimum amount of tokens to be sold.

  • _isVestingEnabled: Boolean indicating if vesting is enabled.

Last updated

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